How it work?

Short-story about
With our platform, you can share your printed books and get books from other users in your city.
How do I add a book?
You add books to your personal account, take photos of the book cover and a couple of random pages that the system tells you. This is done in order to protect everyone and check whether the book is exactly in your hands and in good condition.

After passing moderation, the book is added to your personal account and all users will be able to find your book in the search.

Next, you receive a request from another user who liked your book, and you decide for yourself whether to give the book to this person or wait for someone else to request it.

Once again, the choice of who to give the book to is yours! This will not be a random user, but the one you choose.

After you meet and you give the book, you are credited with Bookcoin and you leave a review to each other. How the meeting went, what condition the book was in (relevant for the host), and just general comments about the person.
How do I get a book?
To take the book, you need to follow a few simple steps:

1. Find the desired book in the search.
2. Send a request to the book holder that you want to take his book.
3. After the book holder confirms the request, in the internal chat, you agree with him about the place and time of meeting and handing over the book.
4. At the appointed time and place, come and exchange books.
What is bookcoin?
You share your books, earn Bookcoins, and get access to other people's books.

We have formed 2 types of books:
1. Art books, fiction, classics and all other books that have a market price below $10
For such books, Silver Bookcoins are awarded.
2. Books on self-development, business, bestsellers, most non-fiction books and all other books that have a market price above $10
For such books, Gold Bookcoins are awarded.

Bookcoins can be obtained in 4 ways:
1. Put the book in your personal account and wait for someone to like it and give it to you.
For this, you will receive either 1 Gold Bookcoins or 1 Silver Bookcoins, depending on what type of book you gave away.

2. Buy them in the app or on the website.
1 Gold Bookcoins - $5.99
1 Silver Bookcoins - $1.99

3. Invite a friend and wait for them to take the book.
For each invited friend, 1 Silver Bookcoins are awarded.

4.1 Silver Bookcoins is awarded for every 25 books placed.

Bookcoins can be spent in 2 ways:
1. Take the book
2. Exchange Bookcoins for prizes from partners.
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