Edit a book
ID of the book being edited
It is located in the book card under the name of the book
Enter the book name
Enter the book author
Select genre
Select language
Take a photo of the book cover
Take a photo of the book reverse side
Take a photo of page №15
Describe the damage to the book (specify if any)
Enter the phone number
The data will be hidden. When someone is interested in the book and after you agree to the transfer of the book, the contact details will be sent to the recipient of the book.
Enter address
City, street, house number (Or another landmark nearby)
By clicking on the "publish" button, you consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with our privacy policy
Delete a book
ID of the book to delete
It is located in the book card under the name of the book
Reason for deletion
By clicking on the "publish" button, you consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with our privacy policy
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